Main Page
From LIAS Glossary
This is the LIAS glossary, a Database with Definitions of Descriptive Characters of Ascomycetes
In order to describe and identify lichens and ascomycetes, the LIAS project uses a wide range of descriptive terms. This glossary aims to provide definitions for the terms used in the character and character state definitions of LIAS. It is still undergoing development and we ask all interested researchers to excuse incompleteness and errors. Any criticism and/or collaboration is highly appreciated! See About for further information about the project.
Entry points
- Use the search box on the top right. The "Go" button will primarily look in the topic title, the "Search" button searches inside the definitions.
- Use the alphabetical page index (grouped in page ranges, click on a range to see all pages inside).
- Browse the content by selected categories, see all categories or Top level categories. Please note that categorization is currently incomplete!
How to contribute
- After requesting a user account, you are welcome to make corrections or point out errors. Please do rewrite a definition if you consider this necessary. Your changes will be easy to trace since all versions of a page are preserved (see the "history" tab at the top of each page) and a comparison function is available. Write comments at the end of an article only if you are uncertain about a correction.
- Can you contribute illustrations (drawings, photos, diagrams)? They will be clearly labeled with your authorship and the copyright remains yours!
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