All wikis at Biowikifarm are in read-only mode due to the restoration after a severe cyberattack in October 2023.
After 1 year being shut down the Biowikifarm is online again.
You see the latest restored version from 18th October 2023.
paraphysoid (noun, pl. paraphysoids;ascocarp term; synonyms: trabercular pseudoparaphysis, trabercula, tinophysis) – an interascal or pre-ascal hyphae derived from an ascolocular development forming a plectenchyma that resembles pseudoparaphyses; frequently net-like and abundantly anastomosing and then often developing into an interascal pseudoparenchyma. Attention: The term trabercula for paraphysoids should be avoided because it can easily be confused with trabecula (spelt without the "r), i. e., specialized structures on the lower side of some Umbilicaria species.
This page is part of the LIAS Glossary. It is closely interlinked with the other LIAS projects: LIAS • LIAS light • LIAS names • LIAS gtm. See also Cooperating Websites
Many pages in the LIAS Glossary is in need of further revisions. Please contribute. Criticism as well as collaboration is welcome!