From LIAS Glossary
adjective (noun, pl. adjectives) – word form.
(See also other word form categories, categories in general, or the Top level categories.)
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Adjective"
The following 500 pages are in this category, out of 1,374 total.
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- Absent
- Abundant
- Accepted
- Acerate
- Acerose
- Acicular
- Aciculate
- Acrasioid
- Acrogeneous
- Acuminate
- Acute
- Adglutinate
- Adjoining
- Adnate
- Adpressed
- Adventive
- Aeruginose
- African
- Agglutinate
- Aggregated
- Alate
- Algicolous
- Alien
- Allantoid
- Alpine
- Alutaceous
- American
- Amoeboid
- Among
- Amorphous
- Amphigenous
- Amphithecial
- Ampliarate
- Ampulliform
- Amyloid
- Ana holomorphic
- Anamorphic
- Anastomosed
- Anastomosing
- Angiocarpic
- Angular
- Angular oblong
- Angulate
- Angustate
- Animal pathogenic
- Anisotomic
- Anisotomic dichotomous
- Annelate
- Annelidic
- Annular
- Annulate
- Antarctic
- Anticlinal
- Apical
- Apiculate
- Apothecial
- Apothecioid
- Applanate
- Appressed
- Arachnoid
- Arboricolous
- Arctic
- Arcuate
- Areolate
- Argillaceous
- Arid
- Arrested bitunicate
- Arthrocatenate
- Articulate
- Articulated
- Ascendent
- Ascending
- Ascogeneous
- Ascohymenial
- Ascolocular
- Ascyphous
- Aseptate
- Asexual
- Asian
- Aspicilioid
- Assimilative
- Atlantic
- Attenuate
- Attenuated
- Auricular
- Auriculiform
- Austral
- Australian
- Austrosubtropic
- Austrosubtropical
- Authentic
- Autonomous
- Axial
- Bacillar
- Bacilliform
- Barbate
- Bare
- Basal
- Basionymous
- Basipetal
- Basocatenate
- Between
- Biatorine
- Biclavate
- Bicornute
- Bifacial
- Biflagellate
- Bifurcate
- Bifusiform
- Biguttulate
- Bilateral
- Bilocular
- Biloculate
- Bipolar
- Biseriate
- Bitunicate
- Black
- Blackening
- Blackish
- Blackish blue
- Blackish brown
- Blackish green
- Blackish grey
- Blastocatenate
- Blue
- Bluish
- Bluish black
- Bluish brown
- Bluish green
- Bluish grey
- Bluish red
- Boreal
- Boreosubtropic
- Boreosubtropical
- Botryoid
- Botryose
- Bowl like
- Branched
- Bright
- Bright tipped
- Brighter
- Broad
- Broadly ellipsoid
- Broadly ellipsoidal
- Broadly prolate
- Brown
- Brownish
- Brownish black
- Brownish blue
- Brownish green
- Brownish grey
- Brownish red
- Brownish white
- Brownish yellow
- Bryophilous
- Budding
- Bulbate
- Bulbous
- Bullate
- Bundled
- Byssoid
- Caespitose
- Calcareous
- Calcicolous
- Calciferous
- Calicioid
- Campylidial
- Canaliculate
- Capillary
- Capitate
- Capitate-spathulate
- Capitate-spatulate
- Capitulate
- Capsoid
- Carbonaceous
- Carbonized
- Cardinal red
- Cariose
- Carmine
- Cartilagineous
- Cartilaginous
- Catenate
- Catenulate
- Catenuliform
- Caulescent
- Causing bronchitis
- Causing immune deficiency
- Cavernose
- Central
- Central american
- Centrifugal
- Centripetal
- Cerebriform
- Cespitose
- Chaffy
- Chalky
- Channeled
- Chasmolithic
- Chinked
- Chinky
- Chipped
- Chlorococcoid
- Chondroid
- Ciliate
- Cinereous
- Circinate
- Circumboreal
- Citriform
- Citrine
- Cladoniiform
- Clathrate
- Clavate
- Clear
- Clustered
- Clypeate
- Coacervate
- Coalescent
- Coarse
- Coastal
- Coccoid
- Cochineal red
- Cochleate
- Coherent
- Colline
- Commensalistic
- Common
- Compact
- Compiled
- Complanate
- Complete
- Complicate
- Compound
- Compressed
- Concave
- Concentric
- Concolorous
- Cone shaped
- Confluent
- Congeneric
- Congenerous
- Congested
- Conglomerate
- Conglutinate
- Congrescent
- Conical
- Conidiogeneous
- Conspecific
- Constricted
- Contiguous
- Continental
- Continuous
- Contorted
- Convergent
- Converging
- Convex
- Convoluted
- Coralliform
- Coralloid
- Coriaceous
- Corniculate
- Corniform
- Cornute
- Coronate
- Corrugate
- Corrugated
- Cortical
- Corticate
- Corticoid
- Corticolous
- Corymbose
- Cosmopolitan
- Costate
- Cracked
- Crateriform
- Crenate
- Crenulate
- Crescent shaped
- Cretaceous
- Crimson
- Crisped
- Cross revised
- Crowded
- Crowded back
- Crustose
- Cryptolecanorine
- Cryptolecideine
- Cryptolithic
- Crystalline
- Crystallized
- Cucullate
- Cuneate
- Cuneiform
- Cupular
- Cupulate
- Curved
- Cushion forming
- Cyan
- Cyanobacteriicolous
- Cyanobacterioid
- Cyanophilic
- Cyanophilous
- Cyanothropic
- Cylindrical
- Cymose
- Dacryoid
- Dactyliform
- Dactyloid
- Dark
- Dark tipped
- Darkened
- Darker
- Decorticate
- Decorticated
- Decumbent
- Decurrent
- Decussate
- Deflexed
- Deformed
- Dehiscent
- Delicate
- Delimited
- Deliquescent
- Dendritic
- Dendroid
- Dendromorphic
- Dense
- Dentate
- Depauperate
- Dependent
- Depressed
- Destruentic
- Determinate
- Detrital
- Devalidated
- Dextrinoid
- Dicarpous
- Dichotomous
- Differentiated
- Diffract
- Diffuse
- Digitate
- Dilacerate
- Dimidiate
- Dimorphic
- Disciform
- Discoid
- Discrete
- Disjunct
- Dispersed
- Dissected
- Dissolving
- Distal
- Distant
- Distichous
- Distinct
- Distoseptate
- Distributed
- Divaricate
- Divergent
- Divided
- Dolioform
- Dorsal
- Dorsiventral
- Double layered
- Down turned
- Downy
- Dry
- Dull
- Dystrophic
- Ear shaped
- Early
- Eastern
- Eccentric
- Echinate
- Echinulate
- Eciliate
- Ecorticate
- Ecorticated
- Effigurate
- Efflorescent
- Effuse
- Effusive
- Ellipsoid
- Ellipsoid cylindrical
- Ellipsoidal
- Ellipsoidal cylindrical
- Elliptical
- Elongate
- Emaculate
- Embrown
- Emergent
- Emersed
- Endemic
- Endobasidial
- Endocarpic
- Endocarpinoid
- Endocarpous
- Endolithic
- Endophloedal
- Endophloic
- Endophytic
- Endoseptate
- Endosubstratal
- Endosubstratic
- Enteroblastic
- Entire
- Eosporium
- Epigaeic
- Epigeal
- Epigean
- Epihymenial
- Epilithic
- Epinecral
- Epiphloedal
- Epiphloic
- Epiphyllous
- Epiphytic
- Epixylic
- Epixylous
- Epruinose
- Equatorial
- Equidistant
- Erect
- Erhizinate
- Eroded
- Erose
- Erratic
- Erumpent
- Eseptate
- Esorediate
- Euamyloid
- Eucarpic
- Eucarpous
- Eucortical
- Eucorticate
- Eulecanorine
- Euparaphysal
- Eupertusiariate
- Eurasian
- European
- Euseptate
- Eutrophic
- Evanescent
- Even
- Excavate
- Excentric
- Excluded
- Excurrent
- Exfoliating
- Exobasidial
- Exotic
- Expanded
- Exposed
- Extendentunicate
- Extending
- Fabiform
- Facultative
- Falcate
- Falciform
- Farinose
- Fasciculate
- Fastigiate
- Faveolate
- Faveolose
- Fenestrate
- Festooning
- Few
- Fibrillose
- Fibrose
- Fibrous
- Filamentose
- Filamentous
- Filamentous dichotomous
- Filiform
- Fimbriate
- Fimbrillate
- Fine
- Fissitunicate
- Fissural
- Fissurate
- Fissured
- Fistular
- Fistulose
- Flabellate
- Flabelliform
- Flaccid
- Flagellate
- Flagelliform
- Flask shaped
- Flattened
- Flexose
- Flexuous
- Floccose
- Floristic
- Foliicolous
- Foliose
- Foveate
- Foveolate
- Friable
- Fringed