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- P. p.
- PD negative
- PD positive bluish red
- PD positive orange
- PD positive red
- PD positive red blackish
- PD positive reddish white
- PD positive reddish yellow
- PD positive whitish yellow
- PD positive yellow
- PD positive yellow changing to red
- PD positive yellowish red
- Pachydermatous
- Pachysporaria type
- Pachyspore
- Pacific
- Pairing
- Palaearctic
- Palaearctic zone
- Palaeotropic floristic kingdom
- Pale
- Paled
- Paleotropic
- Paleotropical
- Paler
- Palisade
- Palisade plectenchymateous
- Pallid
- Pallisade plectenchyma
- Palmate
- Pannosa type
- Pannose
- Pantropical
- Papilla
- Papillate
- Papillose
- Parallel
- Paraphyletic
- Paraphysis
- Paraphysoid
- Paraphysoidal
- Paraplectenchyma
- Paraplectenchymatous
- Parasexual cycle
- Parasite
- Parasitic
- Parasitism
- Parasymbiont
- Parasymbiontic
- Parasymbiosis
- Parathecial crown
- Parathecium
- Paratype
- Parenchyma
- Parenchymatous
- Parietal
- Parmuliform
- Partially
- Partly
- Patch
- Patchy
- Patellarioides type
- Patelliform
- Pathogenic
- Pattern
- Patterned
- Pectinate
- Pedicel
- Pedicellate
- Pellicle
- Pellucid
- Peltate
- Pendent
- Pendulous
- Penicillate
- Peraxial
- Perfect
- Perforate
- Periclinal
- Perifulcrum
- Peripheral
- Periphysis
- Periphysoid
- Perispore
- Perithecial
- Perithecial envelope
- Perithecial wall
- Perithecioid
- Perithecium
- Permission
- Permitted
- Persistence
- Persistent
- Pertusariate
- Petrophilous
- Phenetics
- Phenocortex
- Phenocortical
- Phenocorticate
- Phenology
- Phialide
- Phialidic
- Phorophyte
- Photobiont
- Photobiont layer
- Photophilous
- Photophobous
- Photophytic
- Photosymbiodeme
- Phycobiont
- Phyllidiate
- Phyllidium
- Phyllocladium
- Phylocode
- Phylogeny
- Physcia-type
- Physciacaeae spore type
- Physciaceae type A
- Physciaceae type B
- Physconia-type
- Phytopathogenic
- Pigmented
- Pilema
- Pilose
- Pin head lichen
- Pinnate
- Pit
- Pitted
- Placement
- Placodioid
- Placodiomorph
- Plain
- Plane
- Plaque
- Plasmodioid
- Platysmoid
- Plectenchyma
- Plectenchymatous
- Plethomorphic
- Pleuricellular
- Pleurogeneous
- Pliable
- Plica
- Plicate
- Plurilocular
- Pluriseptate
- Plutonic
- Podetioid
- Podetium
- Pointed
- Polarilocular
- Pole
- Polyblastic
- Polycarpous
- Polychotomous
- Polychroa brown
- Polydactyloid venation
- Polygoni type
- Polymorphic
- Polymorphism
- Polyphyletic
- Polyphyllous
- Polysporous
- Polytomous
- Population density
- Pore
- Pore plug
- Poriform
- Porous
- Position
- Positive
- Pre-ascal hypha
- Pre-ascus
- Predehiscence
- Preference
- Presence
- Present
- Primal thallus
- Primary colour
- Primary photobiont
- Primary species
- Primary spore wall
- Primary squamule
- Primary subdivision
- Primary subunit
- Primary thallus
- Primary thallus subunit
- Prime meridian
- Primordium
- Priority
- Process
- Procreation
- Progressively
- Progressively formed
- Projection
- Prolate
- Proliferate
- Proliferation
- Prominence
- Prominent
- Pronounced
- Propagule
- Proper exciple
- Proper margin
- Proper septum
- Proper spore wall
- Proper wall septum
- Property
- Prosoplectenchyma
- Prosoplectenchymatous
- Prostrate
- Prothallus
- Protologue
- Protonym
- Prototunicate
- Province
- Proximal
- Pruina
- Pruinose
- Psamnophytic
- Pseudoamyloid
- Pseudobifacial
- Pseudocortex
- Pseudocortical
- Pseudocorticate
- Pseudocyphellium
- Pseudoidium type
- Pseudoisidium
- Pseudolecanorate
- Pseudolecanorine
- Pseudooperculate
- Pseudoparaphysal
- Pseudoparaphysis
- Pseudoparenchyma
- Pseudopodetium
- Pseudoseptum
- Pseudostromatic
- Pseudothalline margin
- Pseudothecium
- Pseudotissue
- Pubescent
- Publication date
- Pulverulaceous
- Pulvinate
- Puncta
- Punctate
- Punctiform
- Purple
- Pustular
- Pustulate
- Pustule
- Pycnide
- Pycnides
- Pycnidial
- Pycnidial jelly
- Pycnidium
- Pycnoascocarp
- Pycnoconidium
- Pycnospore
- Pyrenocarp
- Pyrenocarpous
- Pyrenoid
- Pyrenolichen
- Pyrenomycete
- Pyrenulum
- Pyriform
- Q. e.
- Q. v.
- Quadrangular
- Quality
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